About Allograft

We offer a versatile range of allograft bone products to suit diverse surgical needs: a balanced 50% cortical/50% cancellous blend, 100% cortical bone, and 100% cancellous bone. All options are available in both vial and syringe types, with a choice of small or large particle sizes to accommodate various clinical applications.
50% Cortical and 50% Cancellous
Allobone Plus Alpha
Freeze Dried Bone Allograft
- Allograft Bone
- Particle Size: Powder and Chip
- Delivery Type: Vial and Syringe

- Optimized porosity of cancellous bone ensures an ideal scaffold for bone regeneration.
- Enhanced compactness of cortical bone provides robust structural support.
- Processed to meet the highest quality and safety standards.
- Sterilized and certified by both the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and the FDA.

100% Cortical
Allobone Plus
Freeze Dried Bone Allograft
- Allograft Bone
- Particle Size: Powder and Chip
- Delivery Type: Vial and Syringe

- Preserves essential growth factors, proteins, and minerals to optimize bone regeneration, remodeling, and revascularization.
- Compact cortical bone structure provides exceptional strength and support.
- Engineered for top quality and safety.
- Sterilized and certified by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and the FDA.

100% Cancellous
Freeze Dried Bone Allograft
- Allograft Bone
- Particle Size: Powder and Chip
- Delivery Type: Vial and Syringe

- Retains vital growth factors, proteins, and minerals to promote bone regeneration, remodeling, and revascularization.
- Porous cancellous bone structure enhances flexibility and supports healing.
- Crafted for exceptional quality and safety.
- Sterilized and certified by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and the FDA.