Implant Solutions

OneQ Implant System

About SQ Implant System


Implant System

OneQ implant line boasts double tapered, tapered and straight body designs that provide easier depth control and stable primary fixation. Its cutting groove boosts self-tapping ability and allows for a smaller osteotomy. The SLA surface has 200% more surface area than RBM, providing faster and stronger osseointegration.

OneQ Surgical Kit

High Initial Stability

Double tapered and straight implant body for stable primary fixation

Sealing and Connection

11-degree tapered internal connection uses hexagonal locking to prevent micro-gap and micro-movement

One System for All Implant Indication

Improved Stability

Apex with cutting edge boosts self tapping ability and enable to smaller osteotomy which may help get easier stability

Soft Tissue Volume

Platform switching improves soft tissue connection for a natural aesthetic result

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One System for All Implant Indication

Trusted Quality Award

Clean-SLA Surface

Recognized by the Clean Implant Foundation with the Trusted Quality award thanks to the C-SLA Surface treatment, a 30 step cleaning system to ensure our implants have no toxicity, residue, or lot defects.