When and Why to use Wide Dental Implants

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering patients a durable solution to missing teeth. While the standard diameter implants often receive most of the attention, there is a less-discussed but equally vital player in the world of implantology: wide dental implants. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the unique benefits of wide dental implants and their specific indications.

Indications for Wide Dental Implants

  1. Molar Replacement
    • Wide dental implants are ideally suited for the replacement of molars.
    • Molars are subject to a lot more force due to their role in chewing food so a wider implant offers a larger surface area for osseointegration ensuring better load distribution which reduces the risk of implant failure.
  2. Reduced Bone Density
    • Due to age, osteoporosis, or other medical conditions, patients may have reduced bone density.
    • The increased diameter of the implant can provide a more stable foundation which reduces the likelihood of micromovements that can jeopardize the integration process.
  3. Immediate Implant Placement
    • For immediate implant cases, wide implants can offer immediate stability.
  4. Posterior Regions
    • The posterior regions of the mouth often have broader bone ridges making them suitable for wide dental implants.

The Dentis SQ Wide Implant

Wide implants, such as the Dentis SQ Wide implant, can be used to secure initial fixation in the maxillary and mandibular molar regions with poor bone quality, molar extractions, immediate placement, or for replacing fail implants.

The fixture comes in ⌀6, ⌀7, and ⌀8 with lengths in 7 mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm.

The Wide implant has a 7 degree taper design on the upper part to increase cortical bone fixation, 3 degree tapered design in the middle to enhance the placement feel, and a 20 degree tapered design on the lower part to maximize initial placement feel and fixation strength without additional drilling, using a three-stage tapered body design.

The upper part of the fixture is partially surface-processed with etching only, without sanding, to increase soft tissue attachment. The application of a 2 Helical Cutting-Edge design creates sharper threads than existing products, and the 4 Blade Chip Pocket maximizes self-tapping ability. The optimized apex design ensures initial fixation even at the bottom of the extraction site.

Advantages of the SQ Wide Implant

The SQ Wide implant’s larger surface area, large bone chip pocket between the thread pitch, and wide cutting edge all help improve stability by enhancing bone implant contact (BIC). Furthermore, by reducing the risk of micromovements, the SQ Wide implant lessens the chance of implant failure. These all lead to enhanced clinical outcomes which increases patient satisfaction.

For more information on the SQ Wide implant, please contact info@dentisusa.com.

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